DSC00509 (Edit)

Lake Toya, Japan

Spot of Tranquility.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

The Lawn

Food unites people in pretty miraculous ways. Because of this food tasting session at The Lawn, I bumped into a secondary school senior whom I haven't seen in a really long time.  This place just feels so comfortable- green space, clean and neat touches and colourful cuddly cushions! Honestly, any place that quotes Andy Warhol makes me instantly like the place. We tried the different salad dressings which consisted of the classics...

Sunday, October 20, 2013


I am a list kind of person. I love reading lists and compiling lists. Anytime you have a Top (insert number) (type of food) in Singapore in a magazine or newspapers, I'm bound to read it. Located at the basement of Katong 112, I had always walked past this place but never entered because the prices of the cakes were on the high side.  Nonetheless, I finally got to try the Noisette ($7.50) which was in the 2008 Straits Times list of Top...

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Putien 莆田菜馆 (VivoCity)

Putien has always given me the impression of the place to be for family reunions.  I have never complained about a dish of Fried Egg Plant with Pork Floss ($13.90)- it's just too safe a choice that it's difficult to get it wrong! The famous Putien Sweet & Sour Pork with Lychees ($17.90 for medium) lacked a little of the sour oomph that we are accustomed to when eating sweet and sour pork. Everybody loved the Spinach...

Sunday, October 13, 2013


I was really excited to step foot into the Greenhouse- have been reading great reviews of this place. Alas, it was just not meant to be. I guess buffet lunch just isn't as good as its famous Sunday brunch.  Everything seemed so promising when we first entered Greenhouse- lots of natural light (check), witty quote by Virginia Woolf printed on its cards: "One cannot think well, love well, sleep well if one has not dined well" (check), nice...

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Folks Collective

Thai restaurants in Singapore can be generally categorised into the authentic ones (e.g. Ah Loh Thai), the ones you eat because you are lazy to think (e.g. Thai Express) and the cheap and good Thai food (E.g. Jai Thai). I have some problems trying to classify Folks Collective for the simple reason that it does not fall into any of the above-mentioned categories. This place is a mish mash of designs- look at the following pictures and you know...