DSC00509 (Edit)

Lake Toya, Japan

Spot of Tranquility.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Neptune Oyster (Boston)

Once upon a time in Little Italy of Boston, there was a mythical shop called the Neptune Oyster. Well-known for its lobster rolls, this place is thronged with people, partly also because the shop is pretty small. So, get your name on the reservation list before you go on exploring Little Italy, and hope for them to call you soon after.I don't eat oysters because I've got something against raw things. But my friends ordered the oysters and they slurped...

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Sandrine's (Boston)

Given a choice, I would rather be eating, reading, watching movies, listening to music, cooking and attending random exhibitions. Unfortunately, in life, you can't have your cake and eat it too. And so, here I have to be, content with occasionally looking through photos taken once upon a time. Then, I think, "Oh goodness, I must have had the appetite of a cow!"I bought the groupon for Sandrine's and it proved to be a great choice. The thing about...

Monday, September 26, 2011

Johnny English Reborn

I just had to insert this post about how hilarious Johnny English Reborn was and that, if you haven't watched it and need a much needed laugh, this is the show for you!I'm nothing like a movie critic (or any critic, for that matter). But when there are movies that will make the cinema roar in laughter, clap their hands and slap their thighs- you know you have to watch it. So even if the newspapers or professional movie critics find this show not...

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sweet Dynasty (糖水吧)

Initially, I thought this place offered desserts. I mean, who wouldn't? But far from it, the focus of this place isn't the desserts.But that doesn't matter the least bit. Because the place offers good food at low prices.Originating from Johor, Sweet Dynasty offers a whole range of food, supposedly with Cantonese origins. But at the strong recommendations of my sister, we ended up ordering the curry with bread. Although there were advertisements on...

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Kyo-Nichi Japanese Ramen

After attempting to find out what authentic ramen in Japan tastes like, by going to Tonkotsu King and Bario Ramen, I've reverted to my old ways to eating not-so-authentic ramen, like those in Ajisen. (Disclaimer: I like the ramen at Ajisen, so read any ramen posts with caution!) So we arrive at this place Kyo-Nichi which my mum raves about. Sometimes, I just don't understand why my mum is more hip than me, trying all the food I've never tried...

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Charly T's

You can be sure that the chicken here lives up to whatever hype people have been giving it. Although I'm not too sure that the sides are that great. About the chicken- it's moist and tender. I eat dry chicken meat all the time. But this is good- not over roasted so that it becomes parched and dry, but not under cooked such that there is still traces of blood. You get to choose two dipping sauces and two sides. The sauces I chose were Kansas...

Monday, September 19, 2011

Zhou's Kitchen (周庄)

It was dim sum day again. My verdict about Taste Paradise being one of the best dim sum places around remains. Dim sum may be everywhere, but it's not easy to make good dim sum. When we entered Zhou's Kitchen, it was still pretty empty but the crowd started slowly trickling in. The appetizer was unusual. They normally just serve nuts. Here it's beans plus ikan billis plus dou kan. It gets your gastric juices flowing because of the mild...

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Portabello Mushroom Burger

Kids are getting increasily obese in this time and age where every corner you turn, you see a fast food restaurant. Perhaps if you were just a little cautious with your food, you would be astounded by the amount of calories that can be contained in a seemingly-innocuous burger. But there are some food that can satisfy that junk food craving and yet be equally healthy as well. I know portabello mushrooms don't sound like they can replace your crunchy...

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Full House

I don't know why I've been eating Korean food for the second time in less than a week given that I haven't eaten it in what must have been quite some time. Today, we went to Full House because the reviews on it were pretty good. It was quite empty although it was was weekend noon. Anyway, we ordered a set lunch and the sides were free. There's a counter where you get a choice of what side dishes you want. They were pretty ordinarily tasting....

Friday, September 9, 2011

Maple Delights (Montreal)

The thing about guide books is that you really don't know how much trust to place in them. There is a tendency to flock to places which guide books place five stars on, but later you leave the place in disappointment. This might just be one such place. I set foot at this place one rainy day in Montreal. An umbrella over my head, I was looking forward to entering this shop after hearing from friends that this place served pretty good food....

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Kim's Family Restaurant

I'm a person who likes to look at food blogs with pictures. Therefore, it's nearly unacceptable that this post is devoid of pictures (didn't bring my camera along!). But if I were to compare having a blog post about food without pictures and not having any blog post, I'd rather the former. I never knew that stretch of eateries existed next to Beauty World because I don't happen to live anywhere remotely near there. And it was because of my friends' major cravings for Kim's that we trooped down there. Here's a video featuring the restaurant....

Saturday, September 3, 2011

House of Soon Tofu (Toronto)

Once upon a time, I ended up at a place which looked like Korea, felt like Korea and even tasted of Korea. But it was not Korea. Time and time again, I marvel at how the country can contain so many ethnic communities- Greektown, Koreatown, Little Italy, Chinatown etc. There were rows and rows of shops selling Korean stuff and a rather large Korean supermarket. I went to House of Soon Tofu because reviews stated that it was cheap and delicious. Apparently,...