DSC00509 (Edit)

Lake Toya, Japan

Spot of Tranquility.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year

I wrote a review of Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother some time back and the author's daughter, Sophia, is a very talented writer. In one of her blog posts, she wrote: "when you play music, you are supposed to phrase and follow the melodic line as though you were singing. i'm not sure how to explain it, but somehow the sounds become synced with your breath and are naturally pleasing to the human ear. one note almost always lives a double life....

Friday, December 30, 2011

Mango Sago Pomelo 杨枝甘露

I love mangoes and always order some form of mango dessert when I'm out, whether in hawker centres or restaurants. The fact that mangoes are healthy is of course secondary. What matters is its taste. So, I decided to make Mango Sago Pomelo 杨枝甘露 based on noobook's recipe. Since Chinese New Year is coming soon, give this a try! I assure you everybody will love it!  And regarding the pomelo...  Mango Sago Pomelo 杨枝甘露 (adapted...

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Selera Rasa Nasi Lemak

This stall at Adam Road, Selera Rasa Nasi Lemak, is where the Sultan of Brunei goes to, when he comes to Singapore. (The Business Times, 6 Feb 2010) Food fit for royalty! Anyway, there are different sets of nasi lemak sold at this store which have fancy names such as Full House and Royal Flush, and that's because Mr Hassan, the owner of stall "like[s] wrestling and gambling." The queue was long and it took around 25-30 minutes to get...

Singapore Footprints Walking Tour

For those overseas intending to make a trip down to Singapore in the near future, you may be interested in Singapore Footprints Walking Tour, where a team of undergraduates bring you on a walking tour at no charge (although tips would be great!).  This is their facebook page, have a look if you are interested! ...

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Top 10 News 2011 (Singapore Version) (Part II)

After doing a Top 5 List, I realised that there were possibly 5 other news that I could add to this list to make it a Top 10. But I'm separating them into Part I and Part II, because  Part II concerns news that involve a tinge of incredulity. Click here for Part I. 6) H&M, A&F Singaporeans are really good at four things- eating, shopping, complaining and queuing. So when Swedish high street fashion label H&M opened in Singapore (3...

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Victor's Japanese Delights (日本小吃)

I love Old Airport Road Food Centre to bits and pieces. It's almost as though if you didn't know what to eat and just threw a stone, it would hit a stall where your tastebuds would be satisfied. Nam Sing Hokkien Mee is one of the best hokkien mee around, although I couldn't have it for lunch this afternoon because there was a long wait for it.  Instead, I tried my luck at Victor's Japanese Delights (日本小吃) and ordered a bowl of Tempura...

Myths about Singapore

It's nearly obligatory to write this post, to dispel some myths about Singapore, just so that people wouldn't think Singapore is a place in China where you get caned for chewing gum. If you hold such beliefs, do yourself a favour by reading this post. 1) Myth #1: Singapore is a city in China False. Even though the majority ethnic group in Singapore is Chinese, that doesn't make Singapore part of China. Don't believe me? Check out Google Maps. Just...

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Top 10 News 2011 (Singapore Version) (Part I)

With the year drawing to a close, here's my version of the Top 5 News that happened in Singapore in 2011, in no particular order. I wanted to do a Top Ten but could not think of enough to reach 10. Update (28.12.2011): I have now identified 5 other news, which appear in the Part II installment.  1) SMRT breakdown If you don't know this, you definitely don't stay in Singapore. The headlines regarding this matter were splashed across...

Charcoal Chicken Express

I went to Icon Village, hoping to try the fish and chips. Unfortunately, as luck would have it, it was closed on Christmas Eve. So we had no choice but to find another restaurant. We chanced upon Charcoal Chicken Express. It was totally empty in Icon Village during lunchtime, probably because people were shopping for Christmas presents somewhere else.  Charcoal Chicken Express originates from Perth and apparently the theme adopted is...

Friday, December 23, 2011

Merry Christmas

Just two days to Christmas. Every year, I look forward to Christmas because this is the time when Orchard Road is dressed up like an elegant lady, with drapes of matching colours. There is also the mega shopping to be done due to the sales island wide. Although we don't have snow in Singapore and the rain kind of makes a poor substitute for that air of Christmas, I suppose we save the trouble of needing heaters or fireplaces at home. Here's a video of one of my favourite songs- All I Want for Christmas is You. For those who grew up watching...

Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Burning Gaze, Speak to Me Walk with Me: Singapore Art Museum

I foresee a never-ending post that will take forever to write. But, if you'll just put up with me for a little while, I hope you will find yourself finding your way to the Singapore Art Museum. I will write mainly on two exhibitions. p.s. i'm totally rushing out this post because there is FREE ADMISSION tomorrow (actually all Friday nights) from 6 pm to 9pm and also because these exhibitions are ending really soon. So, if you chance upon this...

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Ayam Penyet Ria

This place blew our minds and will make even the toughest of the chilli warriors succumb. I have never ventured into Lucky Plaza before today, and went there at the suggestion of a friend. I had the Ayam Penyet (Smashed Fried Chicken) ($6.90). It was served with deep-fried beancurd (tahu goreng), soybean cake (tempeh goreng), two pieces of cabbage and balacan-chilli relish. I would say the highlight of this dish is the balacan-chilli- left...

Monday, December 19, 2011

Imperial Treasure (Marina Bay Sands)

I haven't eaten Imperial Treasure in a long time. The last time I ate was probably more than two years ago at Crowne Plaza. Anyway, we went to the branch at Marina Bay Sands because we wanted to go have a look at the casino. Assuming you are as stingy as I am, spending $100 on food is more worth it than paying the $100 levy if you just want to take a look at the casino. From Imperial Treasure, you will be able to have a good view of what's happening...

Singapore: Ngoh Hiang (五香)

Ngoh Hiang (Wu Xiang 五香) is not really a Singaporean dish but is quite popular in Singapore. According to Wikipedia, it is a Hokkien and Teochew dish which originates from eastern China and is served in Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore. Now is where my food research goes a little murky. Wikipedia says that Ngoh Hiang refers to the five-spice powder that is mixed in with the filling. According to ieatishootipost, Ngoh Hiang, meaning five...

Sunday, December 18, 2011

40 Singapore foods we can't live without

For those who want to know what constitutes "Singapore foods" or just want to look at pictures to make yourselves hungry (how cruel), click on the picture below and look at what CNN Go offers! I don't dispute this list at all! If you've got the guts (and the stomach space), set yourself a target and see how many of these 40 you can cover in 2 weeks! ....

Already Famous 一泡而红

The main reason I watched Already Famous 一泡而红 is because of Michelle Chong's involvement as scriptwriter, producer, director and actress. I always thought that her talents are too understated, and that she's much more than your comic actress impersonating Barbarella or Lulu. I read a few of the media interviews she has given over the years, and she comes across as a deeply intellectual person.  This is a interview of Michelle...

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Canton Paradise

I visited Canton Paradise at the newly opened 112 Katong today. It's part of the Paradise Group, which owns Taste Paradise, and the standards do not disappoint at all. In fact, we were speculating whether Paradise Group actually pays more for their chefs because their dim sum is consistently better than other  places. The colour theme here is purple. What does purple stand for anyway? According to some dubious website I was reading...